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polar bear protecting cubs

In the world of team,

there is no such thing,

as a weak link .


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is nothing without control.


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The power of team

begins with


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There is no serve -- you cannot fire.

There is no pass – you can’t control.

There is no set --  you can't perform.

There is no hit -- you cannot blast.

There is no block -- you cannot reach.

There is no dig -- you cannot up.

For when you know you're in the zone,

your mind is sharp, your body's strong

your spirit glows, you hear the call.

It's then, and only then,

you are majestic, you are invincible,

you are at peace,


you are - fearless.

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They serve - You aim.

They pass - You guide.

They set - You target.

They hit - You blast.

They block - You wall.

They dig - You focus.

They jump - You fly.

They move - You're there.

They play - You compete.

They grumble - You honor.

They're  arrogant -  You're confident.

They demean - You inspire.

They question - You answer.

They talk -  You lead.

They don't  -  You do.

They doubt - You believe.

They fall - You rise.

They struggle - You finish !

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Championship point,

two choices,

one decision,

choose wisely.

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Scars heal.

Pain fades.

Memories last forever.

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It's match point, 5th set, up by one, title on the line.

You've battled all day, drained, aching, exhausted.

"One more point, just one more," you think.

"Here we go, time to battle."

The serve is made, both teams in motion,

it's back and forth, unbelievable play.

You're ready to hit, who will step up, who will win it?

Everyone tries, but each point slips away.

Then out of no where, a free ball flies over,

you transition out, and await your destiny.

The team reacts, the pass is made,

the ball is set, and its aiming -- for you.

You have trained, you have endured,

you have dreamed, your time is now.

You read the set, prepare to blast,

then like an eagle, ready to ascend, 

you jump, you fly, you soar.

With precision timing, and a lightning arm,

you strike the ball, with every muscle of heart and might.

Last year, in this moment,

you were afraid, you were unsure, you doubted,

you did not -- believe.  

No more.

For today, in your life, in this second,

you are chosen.


To be a force, to be a warrior,

to be fearless, to be awesome.

Your wings take flight,

with the team as your wind,

lifting you, higher, and higher, and higher.

You are powerful, as you stand,

in faith, on their shoulders,

For in this moment, as you rise above,

they lift you up, to more than you can be.

Match over - Champions!


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The   Warrior's  Heart 


 Run's  Deep


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No matter how agonizing the defeat -

the sun will rise again.


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Real team mates 
know when
to carry you.


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Don't ask Coach to guide your steps,   

if you're not willing to move . . . 

    your feet.

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In the team's fury -


be the Calm.


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You have a name.
Own, breathe, obey, live, and love it.

The ground, the sky, the moon, the sun, the stars, the universe,  
all of  time and space - - they know your name.  
Do you ?

That name will grow, learn, risk, dream, and change the world.
So breathe, believe, and battle for it - relentless, upward, always. 
If  you don't, who will ?
Stand tall, be proud, remember who you are -FOREVER...


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